You can probably imagine my tail wagging Snoopy dance I did when Kevin Max, editor of 1859 Magazine, called and asked me if I would like to take on an assignment where I would photograph people riding horses through Oregon wine country. I love this lush area of Oregon, am in awe of the amazing wines that our state produces, and really dig assignments where I am photographing people having fun.
The assignment was flipping fantastic – much more than I ever expected! What surprised me the most was the camaraderie that exists between the vintners. Since we were visiting many vineyards over two days, and this was essentially a press tour which could result in highly desired PR in Oregon’s National Geo-like magazine, I imagined the vintners jockeying (ha!) for inclusion in the magazine. Instead, I saw exchanges of support, purchases between vintners, and exclamations of admiration for the neighboring vineyards.
What surprised me secondly was that I would be riding. And that horses can get spooked. And they can run. Whoa Nelly!
Special shout-out to Mary Hansen from ArborBrook Vineyards for coordinating the tour. We will be back, and your wines are de-lish!