Oregon Country Fair: Archived Images

When I got an assignment recently from 1859 Magazine to shoot a layout on the topic of hippies, I immediately thought about my past work at the Oregon Country Fair.  The editor asked me to get a few images scanned, and it was great fun to see these images again!  And I think a few will be included with the article.

I love when an image sits in the incubator a while, and then suddenly has its day in the sunshine.

Phantom Of The Opera

I love using the Canon G11 to film things that I see along life’s interesting road.  Here is the lovely Poison Waters in Phantom of the Opera, filmed at Darcelle’s in Portland, Oregon.

Video is here. (Quality is not as good as the video I shot of Jack White in Dead Weather…not sure what happened on the upload to YouTube.)

Still image:

OHSU Lecture: Humanitarian Photography

I will be giving a lecture on Humanitarian Photography on April 21 a 7:00pm at Oregon Health & Sciences University’s Center For Women’s Health.

Here is a link to sign up.  Seating is limited, so registration is required.

Humanitarian Photography Lecture

Return To Ethiopia

It looks like we will be going back to Ethiopia in early 2011 to stay a month.  I will travel with a team of doctors and nurses to a very remote area, where we will focus on obstructive childbirth issues.  I will also be documenting the lifestyle of a rural Ethiopian woman, in an in-depth manner.

Global Soul International, a 501c3 organization, will help us with fund-raising for this effort.  Donations are also accepted online here under the Projects section.

My Son At A Close Distance

He reeks.

Days of going without a bath because he lives in a house with no walls and no heat and he’s too cold in the morning to take a shower have taken a hold of him.

He’s leaning on me now, cuddly, warm, all 24 years of him. He is petting my hair as I sit with my face buried, expressing his response and shame over getting caught bringing pot in his tattered suitcase after I asked him to combine his clothes with his brother’s.

He thought we might want to have some fun.

The redeye plane is full and silent, except for the insomniacs. I watch Ben play the trivia game, win after win after win. How does he know all of those answers? Other players look for his seat, to find out who the hell AIUIOO is.

He sleeps now.

And I’m wide awake at this insane hour, listening to Hello Good Morning under my noise canceling headset while reading The Alchemist.

Musky kinda smell. Earthy and unsettling, pushing forward memories of another time and another distant person.

But this time he’s my son, of frail 6’4″ stature and desperately wanton of a normal mind.

Ethiopia: Everywoman’s Health Sends Two Physicians To Perform Surgeries

One of Portland’s most successful private practices, Everywoman’s Health, sent two surgeons to assist with the surgeries in Ethiopia.  Owners Dr. Philippa Ribbink and Dr. Kim Suriano took time from their busy schedules to provide care to the women in Ethiopia.  Their partners back home had to fill in during their absence, so appreciation goes to the whole practice for assisting with this incredibly important work.

Read Dr. Philippa Ribbink’s first hand account on her blog.

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