Assignment: Shasta Abbey

I was not sure how I could possibly get an intimate composite of photos in such a short period of time when I visited Shasta Abbey last month.  But Reverend Berthold is a monk who also loves the still image, and he was exceptionally helpful in leading me around the grounds, introducing me to other monks, and showing me how they live day to day.

It was a lovely time, and I still think about many things from that short period of time I spent there.  The quiet rustling of pines, the quick and genuine smiles, the appreciation for the smallest pleasures.

Here is a link to the article that was run in the University of Washington’s magazine.  I will also send a CD of images to the monastery for their use, as I received this email from Reverend Berthold last week:

I thought the UW story and photos were great. A number of the people who have read it said that they felt it really captured us well, so thanks for your help with that. Given that our life is fairly non-standard, I don’t take it for granted that  someone can visit for such a short amount of time and be able to give a sense of us.

2010 Children’s Cancer Association Hero Wall Unveiled

Please join me this Sunday from 12-4pm at downtown Portland’s World Trade Center 121 SW Salmon Street as we unveil the 2010 Children’s Cancer Association Hero Wall.  The Hero Wall is comprised of 25 portraits of children and teens who have made an impact within our community despite facing severe medical conditions.

The Hero distinction is given to children and teens in Oregon and Washington who have exuded grace, strength and extraordinary character during their life-threatening illness.  They stand unified to represent thousands of others who face similar circumstances.

While photographing these Heros over the past three years, I consistently am reminded of what is truly important in life: a tender exchange, an outreached hand, an appreciation for making each day the very best, an ability to take a few risks, and humor.

It has been an honor to learn from these Heros and their families.

Special thanks to Pro Photo Supply for file prep and printing of all of the images.

Skateboarders With A Hasselblad in Paris

While in Paris last week, I wanted to photograph something different than the usual fare. I found a group of skateboarders doing tricks outside on the plaza in front of a museum.  I had full intentions of simply photographing them, then an idea struck me to give them the Hasselblad and let them create images with it.

I loved their enthusiasm for the film camera! After racing past me and defiantly jumping stairs, doing flips, flirting with danger at high speeds, they stopped and were in awe of the slow shutter feel of a film camera. In this video, Mikael takes his time to align the frame, and even worry a bit about his movement while releasing the shutter.

In our day of rapid digital capture and competing distractions, the seduction of a slow film camera still exists. I plan to teach a workshop using vintage cameras in the near future.  I see a thirst in young minds for this type of camera.

Reframing ReEntry Show Opens At Mercy Corps’ Action Center

Sneak opening shot of our “ReFraming ReEntry” show at Mercy Corps’ Action Center. We gave cameras and journals to women exiting Coffee Creek Prison so they could document their transition experiences. It is a powerful exhibit!  We were all surprised at the results.

The show will open to the public during 9/2 First Thursday.  Come out to encourage and celebrate these women as they turn their lives around!

Huge shout out thank you to PushDot for the amazing prints.

Assignment: Gerry Frank

Gerry Frank is da BOMB!  Here he is with one of his famous cakes. (Image was shot originally for 1859 Magazine so I needed to include white space for text.)

His Konditorei in Salem is a lively place, full of wonderful things to eat.  It also seems to be a warm gathering place for many wonderful characters.

This image was also blown up life size at The Bite this year.  I wish I had been in town to see it!

Copyright 2025 Joni Kabana. All rights reserved. Site by TD