Lifesong Adventures: Man Vs Wild

I had a great time photographing a wilderness adventure last week for 1859 Magazine.  The organizing company is Lifesong Adventures, and they custom fit wilderness adventures for any group, any where.  I can’t say enough great things about this organization.  They are field experts in a variety of wilderness training, from shelter building to animal tracking to what you can and can’t eat while lost in the forest.

Owners Mark and Celeste are consultants on the Man Vs Wild TV series, but their most enjoyment comes from teaching all of us how to live with only a knife and some flint in the wilderness.  Girls take note:  they love it when you sign up!  And this felt more like Man WITH Wild.

Here are a few images from the shoot.  Full story will be run in the April issue of 1859 Magazine.  The last image is of the bear that tried to get into my cabin one night.  (Photo courtesy of Celeste Cole)

Oregon Ballet Theatre Approves Ad

I am very excited about some great news today! While creating the headshots of all ballet dancers who dance at Oregon Ballet Theatre, I kept thinking about a potential ad for them that would enable the general public to get to know the dancers a bit more intimately.  I contacted my ad agency friend and told him what I was thinking. He created some quick concepts, we met with the marketing team at OBT, and they liked the ad.

I than contacted the editor at 1859 Magazine, asked about potentially running the ad, and today they told me that they will be the first to run the ad.  A full page ad will run in their Winter 2010 issue.

Here is the ad.  I would like this campaign to run as a series using all of the dancers’ photos and words.  We are also looking at changing the font type to be each dancer’s handwriting instead of text.


Magazine Work: 1859 Assignment

One of my favorite assignments is to get a call from a magazine, hear a great story about a person, and then get the go-ahead to meet them and photograph them.  I never know what I will find when I arrive at the scene….but most likely it is a fascinating person with an incredible background. I usually only have a few minutes to assess lighting and backgrounds, and I love that challenge of finding the sweet spot of light and learning as much as I can about this person in a short period of time.

Here is a link to a recent multi-portrait assignment from the newly launched 1859 Magazine.

Check out the video on this site as well, for a behind the scenes peek at one of the larger shoots from this assignment. (Thank you for that, Sandymontana Creative!)


Band Photos: The Hugs

I love a good indie band.  Here are The Hugs….definitely a band to check out.  They are setting off on another European tour soon, and needed some updated promo photos before they leave.

And after the shoot, right as we were packing up, they wanted to shoot a quick video.  I grabbed the camera, and here is my first attempt at shooting a music video!








Billboard Sighting

It is great fun to see an image up on a billboard….even if it is in a trashed up area!

These “people” were teeeeeeny tiny 2 inch figures, shot with a macro lens.  If you look up close, the paint job on the faces was horribly done.  Hopefully, no one will climb up there to take a closer look.


Children’s Cancer Association: Unveiling of the Hero Wall

Please join me in celebrating the lives of 25 very special young individuals who are heroes in the most profound way.

This Sunday, September 13, we will unveil 25 portraits of children and teens who were selected by hospitals, community specialists, and the staff at CCA for their extraordinary spirits despite facing fragile medical conditions.  The wall will be unveiled at 12:00 Noon in front of the World Trade Center at 121 SW Salmon in Portland, Oregon.  All afternoon long there will be rockin’ music, games, face painting, tempting foods and an array of treasures to be found.

You, your whole family, friends and neighbors are welcome to join us at any point, and the energy is light and welcoming.  Our purpose is to celebrate these lives!

At 4pm, the Portland streets around the World Trade Center will be closed, and music will be played as each child releases a homing dove into the sky.  It is a poignant moment for everyone, and a reminder of how important it is to stop and reflect upon what is most important to us.

A heartfelt thank you to Pro Photo Supply for donating the printing of these images, and to DigiCraft for mounting all of them.

See some of last year’s Hero Wall photos here.

We hope to see you there!


Copyright 2025 Joni Kabana. All rights reserved. Site by TD