Pink Martini + Oregon Balley Theatre

I love shooting for the Oregon Ballet Theatre, and this last shoot was exceptionally fun!

Here are two renditions of the poster they created for this performance.

Photographing Thomas Lauderdale of Pink Martini was a highlight of my career.  He was alert, game for anything, and even taught me a lesson or two.




Acosia Red Elk

Photographing a person always has a spiritual feeling for me, but standing before Acosia as she dissolved one with her land was quite an astonishing and humbling experience.

We have so much to learn from our land’s indigenous culture.

Go to a pow wow, not only to watch the dancing, but also cross the cultural divide, dismiss any personal shyness and hesitation, and spend some time talking with someone from a tribe. Listen to their tales of history and beliefs. It’s opened my world and shifted my thinking substantially.

I can’t thank Acosia enough for letting me into a small part of her rhythmic world.

Watch her dance here.  Get the article here.



Magazine Assignment: Young Farmers In Oregon

This assignment from 1859 Magazine goes down as one of my all time favorites!  The editor, Kevin Max, and I drove all around Oregon talking with young farmers who are devoted to bringing good things to our tables.

From fruit to cows to pigs to wheat, and even vacant city lot planted vegetables, we learned a lot about what it takes to make a commitment to growing things and understanding the unpredictable nature of land.

Here’s a collective cheer to these fascinating and energetic souls!

1859 Magazine: Farmers

1859 Magazine: Farmers

1859 Magazine: Farmers

1859 Magazine: Farmers

Young Farmers, for 1859 Magazine

The Guardian: Hamlin Article

Today, May 23, we celebrate International End Fistula Day.  May we band together to rally around the women who do not have access to health care and surgical procedures that can prevent this devastating condition.

The Guardian published an article about Dr. Hamlin and her life long quest to see the eradication of this condition.

Dr. Hamlin's 90th Birthday

A New Website For Hamlin Fistula Hospitals

Last month I was able to go back to some of my producer role days, and help the Hamlin Fistula Hospitals update their website for the USA location.

I worked with David Maier, owner of Third Door, Inc., to produce a more image-centric website.  I poured through the last three years’ worth of images to select photos that represented their text.  David had to stay within the established color and style guide, and use their current fonts and logos.  Here is a “before” and “after” look at what we did.

The basket weave and other touches of texture were made from photographs I took of textiles and baskets made in Ethiopia.  Some of these items were made by the Hamlin patients!

See the live version here.

Old Website:



New Website:


People Of Afar

Words fail me when I try to express how deeply I was riveted by the people I met in the Afar region of Ethiopia.

Living a nomadic lifestyle, they are exceptionally beautiful, hyper aware of surroundings, and also attentive to adornment.  There is a grace and fortitude they exude that is haunting.

They live in the land where mankind began.

Young Boys From Afar

Young Girls From Afar

Afar Man and Girls

TEDxPortland Book

Last summer, I received a call from the coordinator of the TEDxPortland, asking if they could produce a book of my images to hand out to all participants.

They wanted something with a gritty street look and feel, and requested that I send images of the “real” Portland and a few other areas: from skateboarders to drag queens to strippers to authors and everything in-between. I was also asked to create a few images for their sponsors as a thank you for their support.

This week the book will finally go to the printers and we could not be more excited to see it come hot off of the presses.  The book is available only to participants of the 2014 TEDxPortland talks.

If you want to take one home with you, get your tickets here.

Homeless man in park

Drag Queen at Peacock in the Park

Outside of the Chrystal Ballroom


Copyright 2025 Joni Kabana. All rights reserved. Site by TD