Large Scale Prints: Mark Spencer Hotel

What a treat it was to be able to work with Dardinelle Troen with her vision of creating visuals for the Mark Spencer Hotel.  She conceived the bold art pieces as illusionary extensions of the hotel environment.

Here are the three photographs I created, each giving me some of the most challenging technical considerations I have ever faced. And I loved every minute of making these! These snapshots don’t do justice as opposed to seeing them in person.

A New Website For Hamlin Fistula Hospitals

Last month I was able to go back to some of my producer role days, and help the Hamlin Fistula Hospitals update their website for the USA location.

I worked with David Maier, owner of Third Door, Inc., to produce a more image-centric website.  I poured through the last three years’ worth of images to select photos that represented their text.  David had to stay within the established color and style guide, and use their current fonts and logos.  Here is a “before” and “after” look at what we did.

The basket weave and other touches of texture were made from photographs I took of textiles and baskets made in Ethiopia.  Some of these items were made by the Hamlin patients!

See the live version here.

Old Website:



New Website:


Ethiopia: A Book Is Created

David Maier’s integrated design class at Mount Hood Community College will be taking on the assignment of creating a book that will depict the state of women’s health in rural Ethiopia.

A copy can be obtained by purchasing is directly from

Here are some images that I gave the students to use for this book:

Book Content

Faces of Ethiopian Women and Children

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Oregon Ballet Theatre Approves Ad

I am very excited about some great news today! While creating the headshots of all ballet dancers who dance at Oregon Ballet Theatre, I kept thinking about a potential ad for them that would enable the general public to get to know the dancers a bit more intimately.  I contacted my ad agency friend and told him what I was thinking. He created some quick concepts, we met with the marketing team at OBT, and they liked the ad.

I than contacted the editor at 1859 Magazine, asked about potentially running the ad, and today they told me that they will be the first to run the ad.  A full page ad will run in their Winter 2010 issue.

Here is the ad.  I would like this campaign to run as a series using all of the dancers’ photos and words.  We are also looking at changing the font type to be each dancer’s handwriting instead of text.


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