Assignment: Painted Hills Natural Beef

What could be more fun than chasing cowboys on horses?

That is exactly what this assignment required as I captured images for Painted Hills Natural Beef in Fossil, Oregon for their website and social media platforms.

A rancher’s life is wrought with many worries and hardships, and often their hard work is under-appreciated by those who sit down to eat the products they bring to the table. There seems to be a disconnect with where our food comes from, how it was raised, and whether it is even healthy for us to eat. Take a spin on their website to read about the many benefits of natural beef.

And consider making a visit to this lovely area of Oregon!

Painted Hills


Painted Hills Natural Beef

Painted Hills Natural Beef

Painted Hills Natural Beef

Painted Hills Natural Beef

Magazine Assignment: Young Farmers In Oregon

This assignment from 1859 Magazine goes down as one of my all time favorites!  The editor, Kevin Max, and I drove all around Oregon talking with young farmers who are devoted to bringing good things to our tables.

From fruit to cows to pigs to wheat, and even vacant city lot planted vegetables, we learned a lot about what it takes to make a commitment to growing things and understanding the unpredictable nature of land.

Here’s a collective cheer to these fascinating and energetic souls!

1859 Magazine: Farmers

1859 Magazine: Farmers

1859 Magazine: Farmers

1859 Magazine: Farmers

Young Farmers, for 1859 Magazine

Argentina: The Land Of Colors

Argentina is like a carnival in many ways.  From colorful street art to painted mountains to clothing with flare, colors are abundant everywhere you look.  Here are a few iPhone photos I took along the way as my eyes soaked in all of the colors around me.

View from the plane as we headed for Salta, Argentina


Wild donkeys in Jujuy, Argentina


On the road to Las Salinas Grandes, Argentina


Yummy empanadas, each of them with a different filling


The painted mountains surrounding Purmamarca, Argentina


Street Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina


The mountains near Tilcara, Argentina


La Bomba stirs the crowd in an old warehouse in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Street Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Street Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina



Argentina: Las Salinas Grandes

I love salt.

Lots of it.

So I was one happy girl when we finally reached the salt flats in northern Argentina near Purmamarca.  Following a beautiful drive to reach Las Salinas Grandes, we were surprised to find that all of the buildings (and the tables inside of them) were built from salt.

Salt flats in the distance near Purmamarca, Argentina


People walking in the distance at the salt flats in Argentina


Buildings and tables and floors are all made of salt at Las Salinas Grandes, Argentina


Blocks of salt are removed and water is added so that the salt crystals can be extracted


Salt bags at Las Salinas Grandes, Argentina


Daughter Brynn jumps high in the land of salt at Las Salinas Grandes, Argentina


Ethiopia: How To Score A Wife With A Lemon

Tongue tastes lemon
Once again, alive.
Captivating it is
Riveted to the Now
Problems wane
Only task,
Without fear,

During Timkat celebration, we hear that the tormenting and highly sensual lemon takes front seat as a beckoning tool to help secure a wife. Here is the recipe.

How To Score A Wife
Girl sees boys, lots of them.
Girl locks eyes with those she likes. Perhaps one. Maybe more.
Boy has lemon in his pocket.
Boy sees girl he likes, and she is looking at him.
Boy throws – hard! – lemon at the chest of the girl he chooses.
Girl at once becomes shy and looks away, never looking at him again, even thought she initiated this!
Boy persists to find her eyes.
Boy does not look elsewhere.
Girl has until sundown to – once again – look straight into his eyes.


Ethiopia: Injera!

We could not wait to be able to taste authentic injera again, and we were not disappointed. The colorful array of spicy sauces, anchored by salad with an orange/lemon dressing was just the ticket after a hot day on the streets. We usually don’t eat raw foods here, but at this hotel, we are assured that raw foods are cleaned with bleach.

Eat up!

Assignment: Gerry Frank

Gerry Frank is da BOMB!  Here he is with one of his famous cakes. (Image was shot originally for 1859 Magazine so I needed to include white space for text.)

His Konditorei in Salem is a lively place, full of wonderful things to eat.  It also seems to be a warm gathering place for many wonderful characters.

This image was also blown up life size at The Bite this year.  I wish I had been in town to see it!

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