In a few weeks, I will be joining a team of doctors in Ethiopia to document their surgical work on prolapse cases in this country. We also will be documenting fistula situations in hopes of bringing more doctors to Ethiopia to teach preventative surgeries and perform repair surgeries. OHSU is considering the feasibility of setting up a rotation of doctors to hospitals in Ethiopia.
In addition to the medical imagery, I will focus on the overall culture and will continue my efforts with relaying the importance of sports in developing countries. The Fitness Director from the Physical Education Department at the University of Oregon will be going on this trip and I will be able to document some foot races and soccer matches that are being coordinated by Ethiopians near Gimbie.
Our travels will take us to Bahirdar, Addis Ababa and Gimbie, as well as to some rural clinics in small villages.
Many thanks to Pro Photo Supply for their support with the photographic gear and printing aspect of this field study.