Faces: Juried By Elizabeth Avedon

It is an honor to have one of my photos juried by Elizabeth Avedon into the exhibit “Faces” at the Darkroom gallery.  The exhibit will run through December 2013 and for the first week of January 2014.

The Malagasy are beautiful and spirited, and we are happy that “Fetra” will be celebrated in this exhibit.

Fetra, Malagasy Boy II, Mahajunga, Madagascar

Prints For Prints Team Ethiopia 2013

We will soon embark upon our Ethiopia 2013 Prints For Prints project.  Today we gathered to do a test run on our printers, and all systems are GO!

Here are the members of the team with links to their websites:

Heather Binns

Steve Bloch

Joni Kabana

Bill Purcell

Constance Spurling


L-R: Heather Binns, Bill Purcell, Constance Spurling, Joni Kabana, Steve Bloch

(Photo by Ben Opsahl)

Exhibit: The Market Workers at PushDot Studio

Once again, I will be able to stand in the middle of a room, look around and marvel at the intensity of many beautiful Ethiopian eyes all at once.

Ten images from my “Market Workers” series will be shown at PushDot Studio.  Join me for an opening reception this Friday, August 2 from 6-9pm as we raise a glass of cheer to those who might just be the hardest workers on earth.

All images were printed at PushDot Studio.  A very special thank you goes to Laura Domela, who, with her painter’s hand and master photographer’s skill, made the images sing with her magical post processing work.

One hundred forty-four subjects were photographed for this series, and each printed image is mounted on black sintra then framed without glass so that there is nothing between viewer and subject.

It has been exceptionally difficult to select which images are printed, as I dearly love each and every one.  In time, I hope to have all of them printed and floating about the world in celebration of the Ethiopian spirit.



Desta, 2012





Exhibit: The Art Of Photography 2013

My image “The House Maid” was selected to be in The Art Of Photography 2013 exhibit curated by Julia Dolan and will be exhibited online here.

This exhibit had 12,961 entries from 84 countries, and 201 pieces were chosen.  I am very happy that the image they selected represents the beautiful people of Ethiopia. This image was taken in a small village called Sheno, about an hour away from Addis Ababa.

The opening reception is October 12, 2013 in San Diego, and the show will run until November 17, 2013.


The House Maid


Exhibit: 2013 Kellicutt International Juried Photo Show – Through A Lens: Ten

I just received notification that one of “The Market Workers” was juried into the Michael H. Kellicutt International Photo Show in San Francisco, California.  Jurors are Tom Till, Kim Komenich and Crista Dix.

“Selam” is a market worker in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.  He sells vegetables and performs other labor such as carrying heavy items. It is an honor to represent these exceptional Ethiopians in celebration of their hard working and innovative spirits.

See all of the images selected for this show here.  Opening reception and awards ceremony will be on July 6, 5-8pm at the Coastal Arts League Museum in Half Moon Bay, and the show will run from June 28 – August 6, 2013.  The show will also be displayed at the Gallery At Calumet in San Francisco from August 9 – September 11, 2013, with an opening reception on August 15.


Worldwide Photography Biennial Exhibition

One of my favorite images, “Abera”, was selected by Steve McCurry in his list of “special mentions by the juror” category and will be included in the curated exhibit opening at the Borges Cultural Center in December in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

This image is dear to me because while I was deep in a remote area of Ethiopia photographing a midwife, I turned around and saw this young boy looking at me with the most intense expression. I had seconds to react, obtain his ok to permit me to photograph him, and not lose that moment where he seems to be looking into my soul.

My focus was off. I usually focus on the eyes, and in this image the center of focus is on his hands. But had I taken longer to compose the shot to my liking, I would have captured an entirely different portrait.

I look at this image almost every day to remind me of the level of humanity that is found in the spirit of the Ethiopian people.

(Funds from any sales of prints are returned to projects in Ethiopia.)


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