Street Photography!

I absolutely love to teach, and one of my favorite subjects is street portraiture/photography. Here are some images from the latest workshop.

(Participant working with subject she just met on the street.)

(I will do just about anything to get some subjects for participants! Photo by Carol Sternkopf)

(Jasmine, subject from street portraiture workshop)

(Once again, some antics deployed to have fun in this workshop! Photo by Lorraine Richey)

Mary Ellen Mark

It was a great honor to be able to spend time with Mary Ellen Mark in Portland this past month. She was an early influence on my approach to subjects, and I am in awe of the depth she establishes with the people she photographs.

(Chris Rauschenberg, Mary Ellen Mark, Me)

(Mary Ellen Mark with staff at Pro Photo Supply)

Ethiopia: Presentations and Discussions

Here is a list of upcoming lectures/slide show regarding our emergency obstetrics efforts in Ethiopia:

February 17, Portland, OR
Portland State University, 2:00pm classroom discussion. Call for details.

February 17, Lake Oswego, OR
Lake Oswego Reads, 7:00pm, Marylhurst College, 17600 Pacific Highway

April 19, Portland, OR
Medical Society of Metropolitan Portland, 7:30pm, Embassy Suites Hotel, 319 SW Pine St.

May 15, Portland, OR
The Development Salon meets in the Park View Room at the Mirabella in South Waterfront. 4:30pm Wine Reception, 5:30pm Discussion. Mirabella is located one block east of the OHSU aerial tram base at 3550 SW Bond Avenue. Call 503-688-6806 for further directions.

May 16, Bend, OR
Cascade Camera Club: Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Road. Doors open 6:30 pm; meeting begins at 7:00 pm.

Workshops + Classes

Many people have asked about where I will be teaching in the near future. I will be adding a link to my website navigation soon, but for now, you can always check my blog under the “Lectures/Teaching/Workshops” filter to find details and links about the various classes.

Here is an update on current classes in 2011/2012:

March 6
Hotshot Portraits Newspace Center For Photography Portland, OR

April 8
Street Photography Kabana Studio Portland, OR

May 22
Hotshot Portraits Newspace Center For Photography Portland, OR

July 3
Hotshot Portraits Newspace Center For Photography Portland, OR

July 8
Hotshot Portraits Luz Gallery Victoria, BC

July 9-15
Environmental Portraits International Summer School of Arts Metchosin, BC

Aug 14
Hotshot Portraits Newspace Center For Photography Portland, OR

Sept 11
Hotshot Portraits Newspace Center For Photography Portland, OR

Oct 28-30
Street Photography Kabana Studio, Portland, OR

Nov 3
Hotshot Portraits Newspace Center For Photography Portland, OR

TBD 2012 (dates to be determined)
Indigenous Cultures On location workshop Arba Minch + Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

(Photo of Luz Gallery owner Quinton Gordon and me taken by Michael Schoenholtz)

Speed Graphic Rocks My World!

I am hyperventilating here.  Just got the scans from the images I took with my 4X5 really old Speed Graphic camera while at the Burnside Skatepark.  The camera works!  The camera ROCKS!

Stay tuned for an upcoming workshop, using vintage cameras on the streets.





(Photo of Quinton Gordon and I taken on the day these images were shot is by the fab photographer Michael Schoenholtz)

Halloween Street Photography Workshop w/Quinton Gordon

Our street photography workshop was a dynamite success!  The participants have formed their own group to continue working together on the streets.  I love teaching with Luz Gallery owner Quinton Gordon.  We are planning several more workshops – some to international destinations – so please let us know if you are interested in taking one.  We promise you will have a spirited time on the streets!

Copyright 2025 Joni Kabana. All rights reserved. Site by TD