Skateboarders With A Hasselblad in Paris

While in Paris last week, I wanted to photograph something different than the usual fare. I found a group of skateboarders doing tricks outside on the plaza in front of a museum.  I had full intentions of simply photographing them, then an idea struck me to give them the Hasselblad and let them create images with it.

I loved their enthusiasm for the film camera! After racing past me and defiantly jumping stairs, doing flips, flirting with danger at high speeds, they stopped and were in awe of the slow shutter feel of a film camera. In this video, Mikael takes his time to align the frame, and even worry a bit about his movement while releasing the shutter.

In our day of rapid digital capture and competing distractions, the seduction of a slow film camera still exists. I plan to teach a workshop using vintage cameras in the near future.  I see a thirst in young minds for this type of camera.

Reframing ReEntry Show Opens At Mercy Corps’ Action Center

Sneak opening shot of our “ReFraming ReEntry” show at Mercy Corps’ Action Center. We gave cameras and journals to women exiting Coffee Creek Prison so they could document their transition experiences. It is a powerful exhibit!  We were all surprised at the results.

The show will open to the public during 9/2 First Thursday.  Come out to encourage and celebrate these women as they turn their lives around!

Huge shout out thank you to PushDot for the amazing prints.

Mary Ellen Mark Workshop

Just coming off of a highly energetic, information filled weekend hosting Mary Ellen Mark’s workshop in my studio.  It was an absolute delight running around Portland with her, hosting a really fun dinner party, seeing her new Prom film at her lecture, eating late night dinners and having her class use our home as a base while street shooting on Sunday.

The participants’ work was nothing short of outstanding.  Truly was.

And she even scored a new camera and light meter at Pro Photo Supply!

I am missing you already, Mary Ellen.  And I look forward to working with you again very soon.

Victoria, BC Workshop: A Blast!

The sold-out workshop I co-led with acclaimed Canadian photographer Quinton Gordon was a huge, fun success.  Our feedback was off the charts positive, and we witnessed new tricks from the participants as well.  Here are a few images of students having a great time with street portraiture.

We will be holding another duo-led street photography workshop in Portland, OR during Halloween weekend, October 29-31.  Sign up while spots are still open!

OHSU Lecture: Humanitarian Photography

I will be giving a lecture on Humanitarian Photography on April 21 a 7:00pm at Oregon Health & Sciences University’s Center For Women’s Health.

Here is a link to sign up.  Seating is limited, so registration is required.

Humanitarian Photography Lecture

Ethiopia: A Book Is Created

David Maier’s integrated design class at Mount Hood Community College will be taking on the assignment of creating a book that will depict the state of women’s health in rural Ethiopia.

A copy can be obtained by purchasing is directly from

Here are some images that I gave the students to use for this book:

Book Content

Faces of Ethiopian Women and Children

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