Speed Graphic Rocks My World!

I am hyperventilating here.  Just got the scans from the images I took with my 4X5 really old Speed Graphic camera while at the Burnside Skatepark.  The camera works!  The camera ROCKS!

Stay tuned for an upcoming workshop, using vintage cameras on the streets.





(Photo of Quinton Gordon and I taken on the day these images were shot is by the fab photographer Michael Schoenholtz)

Skateboarders With A Hasselblad in Paris

While in Paris last week, I wanted to photograph something different than the usual fare. I found a group of skateboarders doing tricks outside on the plaza in front of a museum.  I had full intentions of simply photographing them, then an idea struck me to give them the Hasselblad and let them create images with it.

I loved their enthusiasm for the film camera! After racing past me and defiantly jumping stairs, doing flips, flirting with danger at high speeds, they stopped and were in awe of the slow shutter feel of a film camera. In this video, Mikael takes his time to align the frame, and even worry a bit about his movement while releasing the shutter.

In our day of rapid digital capture and competing distractions, the seduction of a slow film camera still exists. I plan to teach a workshop using vintage cameras in the near future.  I see a thirst in young minds for this type of camera.

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