12th Annual Julia Margaret Cameron Awards – First Place + Honorable Mention

Two of my images placed in the 12th Annual Julia Margaret Cameron Awards: The Salt Workers (First Place, Landscapes + Seascapes) and Maasai Warrior (Honorable Mention, Portrait).

The Salt Workers image will be exhibited in Barcelona April 11-27, 2019.

The Salt Workers image was created while on assignment with Dignity Period and Oregon Health & Sciences University and is part of an on-going series of images depicting the salt workers in the Afar region of Ethiopia.

Maasai Warrior was created while on assignment with Maternity Africa and is part of a series of images created with the Maasai tribe near Arusha, Tanzania. This particular warrior was addressing his tribe regarding the dangers of obstructed labor for pregnant women.

Kaaterskill Fine Arts Gallery: Constellations

One of my images Jijiga, Ethiopia, created with my cell phone while on assignment with Mercy Corps in Jijiga, Ethiopia was part the “Constellations” exhibit at the Kaaterskill Fine Arts Gallery.

This show was curated by Robert Tomlinson and will run until September 9, 2018.

An exciting aspect of this show was that one of my long-time crushes, Steve Buscemi, attended the opening!


Curating: PDX 30 Exhibit at Lightbox Gallery

A great time was had at the opening of the Lightbox Gallery PDX 30 show that I curated this month. Portland photographers and other viewers gathered for a lively reception followed by a wild ride on Jeff Daly‘s Glam Tram.

This little gallery is well loved, and it was an honor to be the curator for this show.


(Photo by Michael Granger, founder of Lightbox Gallery)

Ethiopia’s Promise: Lecture + Exhibit

I am thrilled to announce that Mercy Corps has created a solo exhibit of my black & white images from Ethiopia.  The show will run from March 1 – 28 in the Action Center Gallery at 45 SW Ankeny in Portland, Oregon.

I will be giving a lecture on Thursday night March 14 at 7pm at the same location.

Entry is free, and kids are welcome!


The lecture was well attended and the kiddos had the BEST questions!

(Lecture photos by Bill Purcell)

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