Ethiopia: Injera!

We could not wait to be able to taste authentic injera again, and we were not disappointed. The colorful array of spicy sauces, anchored by salad with an orange/lemon dressing was just the ticket after a hot day on the streets. We usually don’t eat raw foods here, but at this hotel, we are assured that raw foods are cleaned with bleach.

Eat up!

Ethiopia: Coffee! Popcorn! Injera! Spaghetti! Exotic birds! Handwashing! Dancing! Donkeys!

How can a culture have so many things I absolutely love?  Strong coffee (and the ceremony surrounding it) is something I am sure to crave when I get back to the states.  And they serve popcorn with it!  POPCORN!

The Ethiopian fasting injera with various vegetable stews is so good that we eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And since Ethiopia is one of the only African countries not to be fully colonized except for a very brief invasion from Italy, the Italian food is to be had everywhere with an Ethiopian twist of including chili peppers in the sauce. Delizioso!

The Ethiopian practice of eating with hands only (no utensils) necessitates frequent hand washing.  When it is done at the table before eating, it is a most sensuous experience when warm, gently flowing water is poured over each person’s hands while everyone watches.

The click clack sound of a herd of donkeys rushing purposely by, with their cute little over-sized heads swaying to the beat of their hooves makes me want to get up and dance!  And speaking of dance, the Ethiopians’ tribal dances with quivering shoulders and neck nibbling is over the top alluring.

Just as you start to believe that you have arrived in paradise, that thought is validated when some colorful exotic bird with a three foot tail flies by or a bush tailed money jumps in the trees over your head.

There are so many things to love about this country.

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