Ethiopia’s Promise: Lecture + Exhibit

I am thrilled to announce that Mercy Corps has created a solo exhibit of my black & white images from Ethiopia.  The show will run from March 1 – 28 in the Action Center Gallery at 45 SW Ankeny in Portland, Oregon.

I will be giving a lecture on Thursday night March 14 at 7pm at the same location.

Entry is free, and kids are welcome!


The lecture was well attended and the kiddos had the BEST questions!

(Lecture photos by Bill Purcell)

Lecture: Safe Motherhod Conference

I had the honor of being a guest lecturer at the Safe Motherhood Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on April 20. I was the only person who spoke who was not a medical professional, but the audience seemed to appreciate the topic of documentary imagery. I focused on maternal care and the prevention of fistula in Ethiopia, but also spoke about the work I have done in Madagascar.

I included a section about composition and lighting and discussed how they can take better photos of their important work in developing nations. I also showed them how these images can have an impact on the work they perform and the support they require.

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