Faces: Juried By Elizabeth Avedon

It is an honor to have one of my photos juried by Elizabeth Avedon into the exhibit “Faces” at the Darkroom gallery.  The exhibit will run through December 2013 and for the first week of January 2014.

The Malagasy are beautiful and spirited, and we are happy that “Fetra” will be celebrated in this exhibit.

Fetra, Malagasy Boy II, Mahajunga, Madagascar

OHSU Lecture: Humanitarian Photography

I will be giving a lecture on Humanitarian Photography on April 21 a 7:00pm at Oregon Health & Sciences University’s Center For Women’s Health.

Here is a link to sign up.  Seating is limited, so registration is required.

Humanitarian Photography Lecture

City Club Exhibit

Here is a shot of Portland’s City Club exhibit of wall size portraits from India, Madagascar and Nepal.  The exhibit was up for four months and created quite a stir!  Here is one email that I received:

Hi Joni,

This is Seanna,  from Portland State (Capstones). I just wanted to let you know that JoAnn, a Capstone faculty member and I went down to the City Cub to view your work on Monday. We were both completely blown away by the power of the photographs. It amazed us how emotional the photographs are. We both felt like we could feel the strength and pride of one of the women photographed, we smiled observing the impishness of a grin of someone in the background of another…The quality of the photos are outstanding. We both commented on the TEXTURE of the photos.The photos of the women with head coverings just “felt” like the images were super-imposed onto fabric instead of paper due to the rich texture within the photo. Really, we were just in awe!

Many thanks to Pro Photo Supply for printing the images, and to Lloyd Lemmermann for taking these interior photos.


Lunaria Invitational Show

Cathy Cheney from the Portland Business Journal invited me to join an art show that opens this week in the Silverton gallery, Lunaria.  She went to great lengths to ensure that I was able to participate while I was away in the DR Congo:  coming to my studio to select an image, picking it up at Pro Photo Supply after it was printed, and getting it framed and ready for the show.  Thank you, Cathy!

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