Workshop: New York University Street Photography

Just taught my first workshop at New York University and it was a complete riot! All of the students initially were nervous to approach people on the busy streets of New York City, but wham! They got the hang of it quickly.  We also added in a bit of storytelling as each person they met gave them information about their work, what they liked to do, etc.

The students’ professor then met with us at the end of the day to look at all of the images and hear the stories about the people they met. We also discussed how this workshop fit into the theme of her syllabus.

The class was a positive experience for all, and it looks like I will be asked to come back and do it again next year!

Thank you for your wonderful workshop Friday.  What a generous gift you gave to all of us. – Professor Jessamyn Hatcher

New York City!

I was able to go to the 2011 AIPAD event in NYC this month. Wow…so many amazing prints in one place! I also had lunch with Shelby Lee Adams in a fun little diner. He is a blast!

While I was walking around NYC, I decided to focus on the buildings instead of people. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this! A complete departure from my normal subject matter.

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