Portland Does Good!

I just completed a series of portrait images for Portland Monthly magazine depicting a whole assembly of Portlander’s who are doing great things for the world.

Music, nutrition, university fees and more are topics the subjects are addressing in this feature magazine article.

Julia Plowman (pictured below), the founder of The Girl Effect, is one of the subjects featured, relaying her newest entrepreneurial path.

Hero Wall Celebration + Coverage

Yesterday’s Hero Wall Celebration was a heart-thumping event.  It was so great to see all of the families together, and to hear great music, watch the kids get their faces painted and rejoice in some health improvements. It is a true honor to be work with these families. Huge THANK YOU to Pro Photo Supply and George McGinnis for donating the file prep and printing of the wall, and to DigiCraft for mounting the prints.

TV coverage here.

Oregonian coverage here.

See more of my images here.

And heeeeeere is George, O Printer Extraordinaire!


Letting the doves fly, along with wishes, in the middle of the closed downtown street in front of the World Trade Center:


A father’s emotion:


And there is a serious side to the day as well.  This is not a typical “happy” photo from the festivities, but I am sure this little girl has many questions in her mind.


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