2010 Children’s Cancer Association Hero Wall Unveiled

Please join me this Sunday from 12-4pm at downtown Portland’s World Trade Center 121 SW Salmon Street as we unveil the 2010 Children’s Cancer Association Hero Wall.  The Hero Wall is comprised of 25 portraits of children and teens who have made an impact within our community despite facing severe medical conditions.

The Hero distinction is given to children and teens in Oregon and Washington who have exuded grace, strength and extraordinary character during their life-threatening illness.  They stand unified to represent thousands of others who face similar circumstances.

While photographing these Heros over the past three years, I consistently am reminded of what is truly important in life: a tender exchange, an outreached hand, an appreciation for making each day the very best, an ability to take a few risks, and humor.

It has been an honor to learn from these Heros and their families.

Special thanks to Pro Photo Supply for file prep and printing of all of the images.

Assignment: Gerry Frank

Gerry Frank is da BOMB!  Here he is with one of his famous cakes. (Image was shot originally for 1859 Magazine so I needed to include white space for text.)

His Konditorei in Salem is a lively place, full of wonderful things to eat.  It also seems to be a warm gathering place for many wonderful characters.

This image was also blown up life size at The Bite this year.  I wish I had been in town to see it!

Feisty Girls

I love having my Canon G11 point and shoot with me at all times. I saw these girls at a friend’s backyard BBQ, and I watched them as they were trying to secretly pulling pranks on us.

My Daughter Brynn

Brynn and I got into the studio to make her senior portraits, and after a bit of back and forth on styling (I should hire her!) we came up with some fun shots.  Here are two that we both liked best.



Magazine Work: 1859 Assignment

One of my favorite assignments is to get a call from a magazine, hear a great story about a person, and then get the go-ahead to meet them and photograph them.  I never know what I will find when I arrive at the scene….but most likely it is a fascinating person with an incredible background. I usually only have a few minutes to assess lighting and backgrounds, and I love that challenge of finding the sweet spot of light and learning as much as I can about this person in a short period of time.

Here is a link to a recent multi-portrait assignment from the newly launched 1859 Magazine.

Check out the video on this site as well, for a behind the scenes peek at one of the larger shoots from this assignment. (Thank you for that, Sandymontana Creative!)


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